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Canada's Deepest Caves
I-SPY Online Tabloid

Is Osama Bin Laden And His Operatives Hiding Here?

This list of caves only represent the deepest KNOWN caves in Canada. This doesn't even come close to depicting the actual number of surveyed caves. Nor does it show in any way the tens of thousands of caves yet undiscovered in Canada. If Bin Laden were hiding in Canadian caves, he surely would not choose those where anyone could stumble upon him. More likely than not he would choose to inhabit only those caves which remain secret!

Canada's Deepest Caves
Each cave is listed in order of rank. Each cave shows two sets of numbers. The first set of numbers on each line describes cave depth in meters. Each second set of numbers depicts the length of that cave, also in meters. Then the province that the cave is located in is listed. Then each region that cave is in.

1. Arctomys Cave 536 3496 BC Rockies
2. Close To The Edge 472 970 BC Rockies
3. Thanksgiving Cave 416 8311 BC Vancouver Island
4. Castleguard Cave 390 20122 AB Rockies
5. Yorkshire Pot 389 13812 AB/BC Rockies
6. Arch Cave 352 8394 BC Vancouver Island
7. Ptarmigan Cave 318 890.2 BC Rockies
8. Glory 'Ole 312 2035.5 BC Vancouver Island
9. Q5 Cave 301 1867 BC Vancouver Island
10. Gargantua 286 5997 AB/BC Rockies
11. Weymer Cave System 278 6569 BC Vancouver Island
12. Nakimu Caves 253 3377 BC Rockies
13. White Hole 253 1320 BC Rockies
14. Dezaiko Cave 253 BC Rockies
15. Fang Cave 247 3342 BC Rockies
16. Rat's Nest Cave 245 4003 AB Rockies
17. Cadomin Cave 220 2791 AB Rockies
18. Windy Link Pot 209 4353 BC Vancouver Island
19. Ursa Major 190 6649 BC Vancouver Island
20. Meadow Cave 175 1135 BC Rockies
21. Grey Mountain 164 382 BC Vancouver Island
22. Grueling Cave 153 697 BC Vancouver Island
23. Quatsino Cave 152 1260 BC Vancouver Island
24. Wapiabi Cave 152 BC Rockies
25. Crackpot 148 174 BC Vancouver Island
26. Sawtooth Cave 146 243 BC Kootenay Lake
27. Moon River Cave 142 BC Rockies
28. Redemption Cave 135 635 BC Northern BC
29. Moon Valley Cave 134 BC Rockies
30. Pellucidar Cave 127 1695 BC Vancouver Island
31. Lizard Pot 120 BC Fernie
32. The Other Thing Cave 111 221 BC Vancouver Island
33. Maquinna 109 520 BC Vancouver Island
34. The Short Straw 107 BC Rockies
35. The Garburrator 106 357 BC Vancouver Island
36. Coral Cave 104 1455 BC Vancouver Island
37. Cascade Cave 103 1068 BC Vancouver Island
38. Gar Cave 103 BC Rockies
39. Victoria's Secret 101 150 BC Vancouver Island
40. Porcupine Cave 100 1794 BC Rockies
41. Big Money Cave 100 580 BC Vancouver Island
42. Precarious Pit 99 215 BC Vancouver Island
43. Foramen Magnum 95 396 BC Vancouver Island
44. Resonance Cave 95 1280 BC Vancouver Island
45. Bluewater Cave 94 428 BC Vancouver Island
46. Wormhole 93 1843 BC Vancouver Island
47. Solstice Shower Shaft 91 1191 BC Vancouver Island
48. Warmthing 91 279 BC Vancouver Island
49. Fallen Giant-Headwall 82 2026 BC Vancouver Island
50. Marshswallow 82 1010 BC Vancouver Island
51. Euclataws Cave 81 530 BC Vancouver Island
52. Z4 Spaghetti Cave 80 296 BC Vancouver Island
53. Bottom's Up 78 631 BC Vancouver Island
54. Rift Raff 78 181 BC Vancouver Island
55. Con C. - Laundry Chute 73 427 BC Vancouver Island
56. Candlestick Cave 72 396 BC Vancouver Island
57. Spare Change Cave 72 559 BC Vancouver Island
58. Fishy Hole Cave 70 165 BC Vancouver Island
59. Riverbend C. 68 384 BC Vancouver Island
60. The Terminator 65 315 BC Vancouver Island
61. Cold Rock To Go 64 924 BC Vancouver Island
62. Numskull Cave 64 244 BC Vancouver Island
63. Emelia Creek Main 63 536 BC Vancouver Island
64. Big Upper Elk 62 174 BC Vancouver Island
65. Paridise Lost 61 1090 BC Vancouver Island
66. Cave 112 61 192 BC Vancouver Island
67. Banana Split - Woodhole 59 223 BC Vancouver Island
68. Dreamtime 58 1040 BC Vancouver Island
69. Whistling Cave 58 782 BC Vancouver Island
70. The Big Cheese 58 354 BC Vancouver Island
71. No Hike Mike 54 398 BC Vancouver Island
72. Gusting Cave 53 581 BC Vancouver Island
73. Mousetrap 51 234 BC Vancouver Island
74. Phreatic Fallies 51 809 BC Vancouver Island
75. 99 Cave 51 1110 BC Vancouver Island
76. Liquid Sky 50 399 BC Vancouver Island

Osama Bin Laden Knew What He Was Doing When He Set Up Housekeeping In The Caves Of Afghanistan!

Caves have captured the imagination of poets and authors, and have conjured the spirit of adventure and exploration. Human use of caves has come a long way throughout our history, from living space to hiding place. We know that early humans used the entrances of caves for living spaces.

Caves were often used for very practical reasons. In recent centuries, modern humans used caves for purposes such as storing fruits and vegetables and for growing mushrooms. The darkness and constant temperatures provide ideal conditions for the aging processes of some cheeses and alcoholic beverages. Some caves were used as hospitals for people with respiratory illnesses in hope that the constant atmosphere might help. Caves have provided hiding places for bandits, smugglers, counterfeiting operations, and moonshining (making illegal whiskey). Caves have supplied an excellent source of water.