West Nile Virus Leap-Frog's-It
Coast To Coast in A Single Year
Nearly two years after Comox Valley residents
complained to Environment Canada And Health Canada
(and got the brush off *laughs even* ) about large
numbers of dead crows being found on beaches
and in neighborhoods; officials now report the
disease is here on Vancouver Island and the first
person has come down with symptoms.
Earlier this past summer officials admitted that
the virus had been found in Trail BC, but they
continuously denied that it could have
migrated to Vancouver Island.
Health officials claim to be shocked
that the virus had moved completely west, something
they had not expected to occur for at least another
two years, maybe longer. Strangely, citizens had been
long reporting dead crows and their fears that West
Nile may be here.
Environment Canada had responded to dead crow reports
by simply asking people to count them and
report the numbers.
They were told that no birds were being
tested, just counted! Could that mean that they knew
the virus was already here? Why would they not test
at least some birds? If you have no reason to believe
a deadly virus is thriving in your neighborhood, why
count crows at all?
© Arlene Longson March 05/2003
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